Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing

Our mission is to deliver the best services to you.

Laser Resurfacing

Pearl™ laser skin rejuvenation is the newest and best way to renew the skin’s surface with quick results and less downtime than today’s other technologies. The Pearl™ procedure combines the impact of a traditional skin resurfacing laser treatments with the gentleness and safety of the more non-invasive lasers to treat aging and repair sun damaged skin.

The Kopelson Clinic’s Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing techniques are highly effective in the treatment of wrinkles, uneven texture and irregular pigmentation. Laser resurfacing is also widely known for it’s amazing improvements it has on sun damaged skin. Additionally, the Pearl Los Angeles laser resurfacing treatment has shortened the length of recovery time down to a mere 4 days. This is remarkably low in comparison to other more abrasive facial laser treatments in Los Angeles.

Our Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing Treatment provides a facial lift as well as tightening the skin by depositing heat deep into the dermal layer of skin. Two very beneficial outcomes from one treatment. 

The Kopelson Clinic | Professional Los Angeles Laser Skin Resurfacing 

Our Pearl Laser Resurfacing treatments in Los Angeles help dramatically diminish the signs of aging, while at the same time improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. Our laser resurfacing treatments are so gentle they can be used around the eye and lip area as well, but effective enough to treat large areas of the face. It bears mentioning that some birthmarks and even liver spots can be greatly reduced by our Los Angeles laser resurfacing treatments.

The Kopelson Clinic knows how important it is to look your best. We are also aware of the toll the sun and aging can have on your skin. As experienced cosmetic dermatologists, we are experts at knowing exactly how to target each area of the face for optimum result.

Contact Us today and begin revealing a more youthful you (310) 271 7400

Is Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing right for you? 

While laser resurfacing has been around for while, it only now is starting to grow in popularity due to the media and because of the advancements that laser resurfacing treatments have made in recent years. Celebrities live by it and now people are catching on. If you are someone that has signs of sun damage or are wanting to tighten and brighten your skin without the burdens of surgery, injections or lengthy down times, our Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing treatments are an excellent choice for you.

What to Expect from our Laser Resurfacing in Los Angeles?

At the Kopelson Dermatology Clinic in Los Angeles, our facial resurfacing treatments are performed in a safe and professional medical atmosphere. Targeted areas, or areas of the most concern, may be treated individually over the course of several treatments, or across a larger surface all in one sitting. Most of our Los Angeles laser resurfacing treatments take under an hour. During the procedure it is required that patients wear protective eyewear. Some patients may experience mild discomfort during the treatment itself. We provide topical anesthetic for those with sensitive skin. It also should be noted that resurfacing can help in the reduction of acne scarring, but patients with active acne outbreaks are not good candidates for laser resurfacing.

Recovery and Results.

Los Angeles Laser ResurfacingAfter your resurfacing procedure a special non-stick dressing is applied. The Kopelson Clinic will inform, in detail, all of our patients about their post-surgical instructions to prevent the treated areas from scabbing. The healing time can be as little as 4 days, but depending on the intensity of your Los Angeles laser resurfacing treatment, healing times may vary. For very deep wrinkles or scarring, it is likely the healing time will be longer.

Expect redness proceeding your resurfacing session. The redness may be more dramatic for those with fairer skin or sensitive skin types, but will subside during the healing process. This is nothing to be alarmed about. Following your Los Angeles laser resurfacing treatment, any wrinkles, fine lines and minor scars should be greatly minimized in appearance. Minor blemishes and growths will be removed during the process. The overall texture, tone and surface of your skin will be greatly improved. Having a very good sunscreen is essential to protecting your skin after resurfacing. Not only after the procedure, but for the rest of your life. USE SUNSCREEN!

It is very important to maintain realistic expectations. While our laser resurfacing treatments are an excellent way to reveal a more youthful you, it won’t deliver the same results as a facelift or other surgical procedure. This treatment is for those to maintain smoother and tighter skin without the downtime of more invasive surgical procedures.

Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing can be combined with other treatments.

Our Los Angeles Laser skin resurfacing can be combined with many other procedures to help patients look younger and achieve a smoother and tighter overall facial appearance. Injectable fillers and dermal fillers may be used to sculpt the face in order to enhance the results of your new skin tone. Chemical peels can be used safely with laser treatment as well, using one method to address one area of the face, and a different method for an alternate area. Ask the skin care professionals at the Kopelson Clinic what your desired outcome is, and we’ll work with you to find out the best treatment for your skin. 

Treat your wrinkles without the invasive surgery and lengthy recovery time! For more information about our Los Angeles Laser Resurfacing Treatments and other anti-aging services, please contact The Kopelson Clinic today.