6 Things You Can Actually Do About Wrinkles

Everyday wFirst Class Beauty Treatmente look at ourselves in the mirror.  As we age, lines and wrinkles tend to show up on our faces in different places and more of them.  How does this happen? Well, by our facial expressions such as by smiling, squinting,  internal inflammation or a breakdown of collagen and elastin. However, you can have these lines smoothed out with various cosmetic dermatology treatments.


Read about them in this article: 6 Things You Can Actually Do About Wrinkles.

Whether treating vertical lines between the eyebrows, horizontal lines on the forehead, “crow’s feet” around the eyes, “smoker’s lines” on the upper lip, vertical or horizontal bands on the neck, or producing the so-called “non-surgical brow lift,” or turning up a droopy corner of the mouth. Botox and Dysport treatment has helped many patients avoid or postpone unnecessary plastic surgery.

Click here or contact The Kopelson Clinic today to schedule a consultation.