Yoga Tips for Everyone

Here are some excellent yoga tips for everyone compiled by Spa Travel Girl via Head Yoga Instructor MACKELL of the St. Kitts Marriott Resort and Casino in St. Kitts, BVI:

[checklist icon=”fa-times-circle” iconcolor=”” circle=”” circlecolor=”#65c2f0″ size=”small” class=”” id=””][li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Keep cool in the heat by wearing loose, comfortable clothes that breathe. Stay hydrated.[/li_item][li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Focus on staying balanced with deep breathing.[/li_item][li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Avoid competing with others in the class. Know your limits.[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Perform smooth transitions by going slower and focusing on your breath. Use slow movement during the transitions.[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Keep your head and heart in the moment. Notice your surroundings and stay positive! [/li_item]