No one wants a flat, saggy butt. To improve how you look leaving a room, take a look at the following three options: [checklist icon=”fa-times-circle” iconcolor=”” circle=”” circlecolor=”#65c2f0″ size=”small” class=”” id=””][li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Liposuction[/li_item] [li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Fat transfer[/li_item] [li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Butt-building workout[/li_item][/checklist] These three…
Happy Valentine’s Day, Hot Lips
Here’s to a groovy and stylish Valentine’s Day…pucker-up! And here’s a click that will: liven-up your lips, written especially for women of color but really, there’s something there for everyone.