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Marta Introduces Hair Vitality Conditioner

By Posted in Beauty

If you have fine hair, you understand how hard it is too find a conditioner to love. Marta got so tired of looking for a good conditioner without all the nasty additives that she decided to made her own with

Truth in Aging Benefits Younger Women, Too

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty, Skin Care

A 20-something at Truth in Aging…Oh, boo-boo. Poor thing. Next. In all seriousness, younger women need to instill good habits that will enhance their health and therefore, life. They also need information on beauty products and more. Find out how

Reader Review Says Run to Buy PureCeuticals KuKui Nut Mineral Scrub

By Posted in Skin Care

Jeanne’s got sensitive, middle-aged skin and is not a fan of scrubs in general, but says that PureCeuticals KuKui Nut Mineral Scrub ($40) did such wonders for her skin, readers should run to buy it. Once she put it on

Scientific American Interviews Judith Campisi of SENS Research Foundation

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Her views may be more along the lines of the mainstream views on aging, but Judith Campisi reveals a lot in her interview with Scientific American. For those who don’t know, Campisi is on the SENS Research Foundation’s scientific advisory

Reader Reviews and Recommends Advanced Mineral Makeup Pressed Powder

By Posted in Beauty, Skin Care

Truth in Aging reader Noel was picked to review Advanced Mineral Makeup Pressed Powder ($38.50). This powder comes in four color options. Noel offers some advice about how to prep the skin for this powder as well as advises that

Cheek Consultations Receive New Plan

By Posted in Beauty

In order to make common cheek rejuvenation procedures work, an ideal bone structure must already be in place. However, most people lack this foundation. A simple new method has been discovered that reveals what sort of cheek procedures will work

3 Must-Have Nail Products

By Posted in Beauty

Sometimes, there’s no time to indulge in a wonderfully sublime professional manicure. However, you don’t want to let your nails look ragged. Ragged nails makes a bad impression professionally and socially. Make sure you can do a professional manicure at

How Molly Sims Got Back Her Pre-Pregnancy Body

By Posted in Beauty

Molly Sims gained a lot of weight during her pregnancy, but didn’t want to sacrifice time with her baby or her ability to breastfeed by concentrating too much on getting back in shape or starving herself after her son was

Older Women: More Mammograms, More Problems

By Posted in Anti-Aging

A new study says that the The American Cancer Society’s recommendation that all women over 40 get a mammogram once a year causes more problems for women than it solves. The study reveals annual and bi-annual screenings as sharing the

Post-Breast Implants: What Now?

By Posted in Beauty

“More than 40,000 women underwent breast implant removal procedures in the year 2008 according to a study from the National Research Center for Women & Families.” Why would they do that after all the cost and recovery of breast implants?

Bliss: Revamp Your Diet

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Bliss is a mid-40’s business woman who decided to revamp her whole body, health, and look by changing how she eats as well as working out. Find out what worked for her, leading to a complete transformation of her look

Your Body: Beauty Safety 101

By Posted in Beauty

This is a follow-up to Your Face: Beauty Safety 101. Find out how to preserve your health and beauty through safety measures and check points for some of your favorite body beauty treatments. Also, learn what tools are illegal to