Your Skin Specialist Clinic

As a premier skin specialist clinic in Beverly Hills, staff at The Kopelson Clinic are well-versed everything skincare-related. Their oxygen facials are considered some of the best in the Los Angeles area, and provide simple, non-invasive options for achieving younger-looking skin. If considering an oxygen facial for the first time, check out a few answers to frequently-asked questions:

What Makes This Facial Special?

An oxygen facial differs from other facials in the way oxygen is distributed on the skin. The facial uses therapeutic oxygen under hyperbaric pressure to provide skin with a serious dose of a special serum. The serum is comprised of modified hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, botanicals, amino peptides, and vitamins. Skin is rehydrated and appears much more plump and supple in less than an hour after treatment.

How Long Do Results Last?

Oxygen facial results last anywhere from three to seven days, however undergoing the facial more than once equals longer-lasting results. For example, the sixth time you have the facial done means results last 14 to 30 days. Initial skin condition also plays a role in how long results last, as does use of Intraceuticals skin care products.

Why is Oxygen So Good For Skin?

An oxygen facial uses 90 to 95 percent pure oxygen to calm irritated skin. It provides a cooling effect, and functions as a natural bactericide. Because oxygen is applied under pressure to flesh, skin’s ability to absorb botanicals and other nutrients is enhanced.

What Skin Care Issues Do Oxygen Facials Alleviate?

These facials provide a wealth of benefits, including a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, improved tone, reduction in inflammation and blemishes, and brighter, lighter skin.

The Kopelson Clinic offers two versions of the oxygen facial, the Rejuvenate Infusion and the Opulence Infusion. Each offers beautiful results, leaving skin hydrated and bright with less lines. Results of both facials are instant and improve in the days following the procedures.

For more on facials and other services available through this Los Angeles skin specialist, please contact The Kopelson Clinic today. Staff are always happy to answer questions!