Skin Care Tips For Men Over 50

Skin Care Tips For Men Over 50

Anti-aging skincare tips are hardly limited to women, as men fall victim to many of the appearance issues that crop up as we get older. Such issues include roughness, sagging, wrinkles and lines, pigmentation problems, and brown spots, and must be dealt with accordingly if interested in maintaining skin. Check out a few care tips for men over 50 courtesy of popular dermatologists from Beverly Hills and face common problems head on!



It’s NEVER too late to start exercising, and whether a self-professed gym rat or “allergic” to working out, it’s essential to do so for appearance and overall health. Exercising regularly dramatically improves circulation, resulting in youthful, glowing skin, and shiny hair. Poor blood circulation is the frequent culprit behind skin dullness, dryness, and discoloration, so get moving today!


Wear Sunscreen

It applies to women as well as men–wear broad-spectrum sunscreen to stave off additional fine lines, wrinkles, and brown spots. Use a natural version containing zinc oxide and slather the stuff on any time you step outside, regardless of the time of year or weather.


Eat Right

Whole, organic foods contribute to a youthful, radiant appearance, as they provide the body with vital vitamins and nutrients essential to healthy skin. Think whole grains, fruits, veggies, and natural protein. Avoid processed foods as well as sugar, with the latter especially harmful to skin. Studies prove sugar damages the protein structure that keeps skin firm, and also causes a dulling effect.



Don’t forget to invest in a good moisturizer. Dry skin looks prematurely old, as skin requires hydration to look plump and vibrant!


Research Wrinkle Fillers

Wrinkle fillers are a non-surgical way to restore volume to the face and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Each dermal filler offers a variety of benefits, though some last longer than others. Any side effects are minimal, and most enable the client to resume normal activities that day. Belotero injection is one hyaluronic filler with no discernible side effects that’s frequently used to treat “smoker’s lines” around the mouth. It lasts six to 12 months. Juvederm wrinkle filler  is another hyaluronic acid option that adds volume to sunken cheeks and fills in fine lines. It also lasts six to 12 months.


To learn more about wrinkle fillers and other anti-aging procedures available through the Beverly Hills dermatologists at The Kopelson Clinic, please contact us today.