Blog Archives

Most Requested Celeb Lips, How To Get Long Luscious Lashes, and More

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty, Skin Care

Real Self features stories about the most requested celeb lips, how to get loungers lashes, a new three-part series on hands and aging, and one story I’ll just let you all watch the video intro for… Enjoy! Read and watch

New Take on NF-κB and the Hypothalamus

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Once again, researchers have determined a link between aging and NF-kB. NF-kB is a protein complex. It oversees the transcription of DNA. Fight Aging! says: “It seems fairly clear to me from the performance of the medical establishment to date

Benefits of Bromelain

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The enzyme Bromelain is a major component of pineapple, found mostly in the stem but also in the edible part of the fruit. New Beauty’s Copy Chief Leann Harms wrote in the article “Three Benefits of Bromelainsays” that Bromelain is

Dental Implants Fight Aging

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Implants can absolutely restore your smile, taking away years from an aged appearance. That’s because implants help prevent facial sagging /hollowness resulting from missing teeth. Plus if one’s natural teeth look dingy, implants also provide the refreshing, whiter tooth look

Rotational Therapy Skin-Care

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Skin Care

“Rotational therapy” is a new anti-aging skin treatment method by the skin-care line 7 Days Of Wonder. The skin-care line fights wrinkles, firmness, dryness, and more with a different product formula for each day. The theory is that skin benefits

Fitness Blender on YouTube

By Posted in Anti-Aging

If you are looking for a new workout series, try Fitness Blender on YouTube. We do not have any relationship with Fitness Blender, other than having done their workout videos. However, they deserve this recommendation because they offer completely full-length,

Men Who Get Botox In Hollywood and More

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty, Skin Care

Real Self Daily for Monday, April 29, 2013 includes: Korean beauty queens who have gotten in trouble for having the same plastic surgeon and therefore looking too similar. However, this similarity “epidemic” seems to be affecting beauty queens in other

Top 5 Anti-Aging Articles for the Week of April 22, 2013

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Photo Credit: David Rayner’s Flcker Photostream. An original Front-of-House still showing a scene from “Five Weeks in a Balloon”, seen in CinemaScope and colour at the Plaza, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, on Monday, August 26th, 1963 (20th Century-Fox) The Top 5 Anti-Aging

Why Your Skin Is SO Dry

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Skin Care

New Beauty has put together some reasons why your skin may be so dry as well as tips on how to deal with the dryness. Reasons your skin feels SO dry: [checklist icon=”fa-times-circle” iconcolor=”” circle=”” circlecolor=”#65c2f0″ size=”small” class=”” id=””][li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Not

The Anti-Aging Kitchen

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Dr. Perricone has created an informative chart detailing how to stock the perfect anti-aging kitchen. Stocking the anti-aging kitchen means that you rely on fresh foods full of healthy fats and nutrients that satiate your appetite, rather than processed diet

Ablative Vs. Nonablative Lasers

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Lasers treat a multitude of skin conditions in varying intensities. If you’ve decided that a laser is the best way to achieve the results you desire, the next step is to understand what kinds of lasers are available: ablative nonablative

Skim Milk May Not Be the Best Choice for Weight Loss

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The Archives of Disease in Childhood recently published a study claiming that low-fat or skim milk may not help with weight loss, though it’s commonly believed to do just that. This study has caused controversy, with skeptics citing unscientific data