Get Rid of Crow’s-Feet for Good

Crow’s-fwoman’s face with a diamond and scrollseet are those tiny lines that usually extend out from the sides of the eyes.  They tend to extend toward the temples or down to the top of the cheek.  Over time, crow’s feet form from exposure to the sun, smoke, pollution, squinting and smiling.  All cause the structure deep within the skin to breakdown.  All of these exposures cause us to loose collagen which means less support, making the skin more susceptible to fine lines.

How do we combat this problem? Read the full article by New Beauty: Get Rid of Crow’s Feet for Good.

The Kopelson Clinic has an array of injectable fillers available to restore fullness to the face, lips and to treat wrinkles, folds and scars. They are a safe way to renew youthfulness and vitality.  Anti aging dermatology consists of cosmetic fillers such as Botox, Dysport, Sculptra which vary in form and function, some lasting longer than others.

The goal of everyone at The Kopelson Clinic, Inc. is to promote health and youth to the body’s largest organ… the skin.

Click here or contact The Kopelson Clinic today to schedule an appointment.