Patient Raves About Sculptra

Sculptra Aesthetic is a unique product and a favorite among the world’s best dermatologists. Unlike other injectables, Sculptra is a volumizer, not a toxin or filler. It allows the skin to add back volume that it has lost due to sun damage, skin type, genetics and the natural process of aging. When volume is replaced, a lifting and tightening of the treated area ensues.

As Sculptra is in a class of its own, its manner of injection is highly specialized. Consequently, one will not find this procedure offered at most Beverly Hills dermatologists’ or plastic surgeons’ offices.  Dr. Kopelson has had the specific training necessary for Sculptra implantation and, as importantly, he has been performing the procedure for many years. His extensive experience with Scuptra patients has led to new techniques and practically seamless results.

Read this amazing review from Mary –  “Dr. Peter Kopelson took ten years off my face.  And they were not the best years!  I called him for help with a variety of issues, each of which he addressed and offered solutions for.  I left with a list of products and procedures, (non-surgical), he thought might benefit me.  He is a genius with filler.  Really.  When you have any kind of filler, the person doing it should be not just a doctor, but an artist.  Dr. Kopelson knew exactly what combination of treatments were right for me.  He is gifted with Sculptra, which lasts longer than other fillers, so you really want someone who gets it right.  I don’t look puffy or fake or weird.  I just look like me.  Ten years ago.  I also had a peel, some Botox, a little Restalyn, and some laser treatments.  I could not be happier with the results.  Thank you, Dr. K!!!  P.S. His staff is great, the office is lovely, and his product line is fantastic and reasonably priced.”

Click here or contact The Kopelson Clinic today to schedule an appointment.