Turn Back The Clock On Your Skin

time clockAs we age, our skin will begin to change in several ways, one of which is a reduction in collagen.  Collagen keeps our skin pert and springy, so as we age we lose collagen causing skin to sag, droop and make us look older.  Years of overexposure to the sun will take a toll on our appearance causing facial wrinkles, brown spots and much more.  So, while it seems like the odds may be stacked against you, rest assured that cosmetic dermatology offers a solution: laser skin resurfacing.

Laser skin resurfacing is not only one of the most versatile procedures around – it’s quickly become one of the most popular as well.  So, why do thousands of patients turn to this cutting-edge treatment each year?  The answer is simple – it works.

This popular minimally-invasive treatment, laser skin resurfacing works to fight the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars and other noticeable skin irregularities.  This is accomplished using special light energy that removes the damaged outer layers of the skin.  The result is a fresher, more youthful appearance.

One of the most radical is the new Pearl laser.  It’s the first of a new generation of lasers using a unique light wavelength to safely remove a layer of old, damaged skin, revealing perfect, even-toned skin with a pearly sheen.

Pearl™ is highly effective as a treatment for wrinkles, uneven texture, uneven pigmentation and to repair sun damaged skin.  Results are achieved with fewer treatments than any laser of its kind; also, in comparison to other resurfacing lasers, downtime after Pearl™ laser treatment is minimized to 4 days, a remarkably quick recovery period after such an effective skin resurfacing laser treatment.

Click here or call The Kopelson Clinic today to schedule an appointment today.