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FDA Issues Heart Warning about Popular Antibiotic

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about a popular antibiotic called Azithromycin, sold as Zithromax and Z-Pak. It may abnormally change the heart’s electrical activity, possibly leading to a fatal irregular heart rhythm. People at risk: those who

Fight Aging! News Letter, March 2013

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Fight Aging! produces a weekly email that you don’t want to miss. According to their site, this week’s letter contains: SENS Research Foundation Forges Ahead A Mechanism By Which Fat Causes Chronic Inflammation The Transhumanist Reader Interviews and Commentary from

Aubrey de Grey: Defeating Aging

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Here’s more of the famous Aubrey de Grey on what’s he known for: anti-aging and fighting disease… plus the humanities in a technological context mixed with the societal and ethical aspirations of his work, naturally. For those who don’t know

Dr. Perricone’s Walnut Coconut Pancakes

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Dr. Perrcione believes that coconut flour fights anti-inflammation properties in the body. It’s also a low carb, low calorie way to replicate sweetness in certain recipes, such as these Cinnamon Walnut Coconut Pancakes. Dr. Perricone’s Cinnamon Walnut Coconut Pancakes Recipe:

Sirtuin Research Results

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Sirtuins are protein classes that receive far too much hype in terms of metabolic interactions and other anti-aging research efforts, according to this article. Figures lend this viewpoint credence, with as much as a billion dollars of capital per year

Aging Brow Fixes

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Age even affects your eyebrows? Yes, unfortunately aging causes droopy brows as well as unruly ones. To avoid hiding out behind aging brows that look droopy and unruly fight aging brows with these tips: Try Botox injections above the brows.

Top 5 Anti-Aging Articles for the Week of March 4, 2013

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The Top 5 Anti-Aging Articles for the Week of March 4, 2013 are… “‘…green tea, blueberries and grape seed extract…’ to fight dryness, dullness, and the dreaded frizz.” That’s what our first top article this week recommends to fight aging

Jane Commands the Spotlight

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Jane Fonda is 75 and I mean…she literally blows away women who are decades younger with her style and looks. Did you see the Oscars? You know what I mean. Find out some of her beauty secrets. Yes, she’s freely

Botox Doesn’t Help with Weight Loss

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Botox is used for many reasons, not all cosmetic. It provides relief for multiple sclerosis patients who have overactive bladders and also helps treat migraines. So because of its wide range of uses, it only seems logical that Botox might

5 Breast Implant Must-Knows

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Breast implants don’t last forever! Do the research, then do some more! Communicate with your surgeon about everything from pre-existing conditions to your hopes and dreams! Know the long term risks! Monitor—it’s crucial! Now that you know the five must-know’s,

Volume, Cheek to Cheek

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The whole point of cheek augmentation is to plump-up sunken-in cheeks that age the face. When done successfully, it absolutely revitalizes the overall look. But choosing the right injectable is essential to success as is choosing the right procedure. Choose

TouchMD with Dr. Michael Epstein

By Posted in Anti-Aging

TouchMD can be a great tool for patients, according to Dr. Michael Epstein. He explains that his treatment philosophy means giving a great end product to his patients. To achieve this, expectations need to be set correctly by getting to