Blog Archives

The Power of Protein

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Protein plays a vital role in the anti-aging process, and women should eat more quality protein to maintain muscle. Age means that the body decreases its ability to use protein effectively. This results in a loss of muscle. A loss

A Show of Hands

By Posted in Anti-Aging

It’s not a show any of us want to be in, that’s for sure. Many women get excellent work done on their faces, but neglect their hands. If unsure about the age of a woman, sneak a peek at her

Stopping the Aging Process

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The telomere. It leads to hearing loss, memory loss, wrinkles, and whole lot of other age traits that no one wants. Now scientists say they have found a way to prevent the telomere from giving us these traits, effectively ending

The Metabolic Alteration Camp

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The metabolic alteration camp…what is it? It is the small group of innovative researchers seeking to extend the human lifespan, and one of the most likely ways to do this is by altering the metabolic rate. Altering the metabolic rate

Roasted Garlic & Shiitake Soup Recipe

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Roasted garlic and mushroom shittake soup, from the anti-inflammatory kitchen. Delicious. Healthy. Easy. The link below leads to the recipe. This soup boosts the immune system via numerous nutritional benefits. Best of all, it tastes wonderful. Read more: Roasted Garlic

Brook Shields: Why Doesn’t She @!${*% # Age?!?

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty

I thought it must be because of some secret potion she found in the The Blue Lagoon, but no…it turns out she’s just beautiful. Well, and crafty. For instance, she never made her eyebrows look severe, and kept her hair

Researchers Must Speak Boldly About Anti-Aging Efforts

By Posted in Anti-Aging

If scientists fail to proudly and loudly proclaim their bold initiatives against aging, then those anti-aging initiatives will fail. Anti-aging efforts lack support across a board spectrum of society and scienctists because of this failure to commit to the dream

Dr. Lisa Airan’s Anti-Aging Tips

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty

World-class cosmetic dermatologist and beauty expert Dr. Lisa Airan divulges her favorite anti-aging beauty tips in this segment on genConnect. Have you heard of injecting your own concentrated platelets into your skin? Well, if you watch this video, you’ll learn

Possible Biological Age Revealed Through Metabolic Signature

By Posted in Anti-Aging

For a long time, researchers have been trying to find a cheaper and easier way to determine biological age. However, this presents a great problem, as people and animals used in research age at different rates. But now, there is

Dr. Dieter Kuster

By Posted in Anti-Aging

From the CA Botana Website, the bio of Dr. Dieter Kuster, PhD, creator of CA Botana: Dr. Dieter Kuster is the founder of CA BOTANA and has developed over 3000 products for the Cosmetic Industry and the in-house brands Doctor

Life Extension Vs. Rejuvenation

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The Fight Aging! blog is taking another look at the stuck-in-the-mud efforts within the mainstream anti-aging research community. A new article features many opinions from anti-aging researchers, most of whom seem to focus only on a “modest slowing” of aging

Nerium Clinical Trial

By Posted in Anti-Aging

The confidence of real science goes a long way in effective anti-aging products. Nerium claims to have that confidence because of effective research, ingredients, and techniques like advanced facial scanning. The following video contains men and women of all ages