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Good Plastic Surgeons Save Lives

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty, Skin Care

Now more than ever, it’s important to see the the most reputable board-certified surgeons. In a column in the Huffington Post, Dr. Steven Teitelbaum, Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA and a board-certified plastic surgeon, explains why. A plastic surgeon is

What I Heart Today—Evening Skincare

By Posted in Skin Care

Popular beauty blogger Lily Peebles talks about her evening skincare routine in the video below, a routine which she says changes a lot. She lives in the U.K., so will speak about stores like Boots and such that we don’t

Anti-Inflammatory Food for Skin

By Posted in Skin Care

Skin Clear Prescription provides delicious recipes that contain bountiful anti-inflammatory ingredients for the skin. Supposedly, these ingredients will not only clear up the skin, but help make it glow because of their nutritional value. Whether or not the recipes in

Beauty Rx Skincare

By Posted in Skin Care

Dermatologist Neal Schultz takes the time in this video to address beauty questions, no matter what they may be. Dr. Schultz custom-designed the skincare line Beauty Rx twenty-five years ago, when he began practicing dermatology and discovered there were no

Common Skin Problems Helped by Individualized Homeopathy

By Posted in Skin Care

For safe, non-toxic, and inexpensive solutions to common skin problems, classical individualized homeopathic medicine often works. Common skin problems include acne, warts and eczema. This, according to Robert J. Signore, D.O., who presented his information at the 2012 American Academy

Dry-Down Time for Sunscreen

By Posted in Skin Care

For such a simple product, there is a lot of confusion. People continually think that combining sunscreens will increase their protection (it doesn’t), or they they think make-up with sunscreen adds extra protection over the sunscreen already on their faces

Unisex Skincare Line and Facial Shaving Demo

By Posted in Skin Care

This video features a unisex skin care line by Dr. Dennis Gross, and also features a facial shaving demo for men. The featured products can be used to remove make-up as well. They even work brilliantly on sensitive skin. Dr.

Dermatologists on Dispensing Skin Care Products

By Posted in Skin Care

It is not uncommon for all doctors to give out samples, but what if the sample product is an anti-aging cream? Many dermatologists now dispense skin-care products to their patients, but other dermatologists do not feel comfortable with this procedure.

Fractional Laser Skin Rejuvenation: In-Depth Information

By Posted in Skin Care

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation has changed the way people expect to age. Dr. Orawan Kitchawengkul established Dr. Orawan Holistic Anti-Aging Institute in 1988, and has dedicated her clinic to anti-aging endeavors. Timing is an important part of this treatment. That’s

Top 5 Anti-Aging Articles of the Week

By Posted in Skin Care

This week, the Top 5 Anti-Aging Posts are: We’ve all heard about the importance of beauty sleep, but how much beauty sleep should we strive for all at once? Some people swear by a long stretch of eight hours, including

Face Transplant Amazes Doctors and Patient

By Posted in Skin Care

In 1997, Richard Lee Norris, 37, was horribly injured by a gun accident that blew away most of his face. For the last fifteen years, he has lived as recluse, wearing a mask and shopping at night. Avoiding the normal

Natural Skin Care Photos

By Posted in Skin Care

There is a huge concern about making beauty natural. That doesn’t just mean that people want to look natural as opposed to over made. It also means that people don’t want their beauty products to consist of harmful chemicals that