What Can Botox Do For You?


Botox® is a safe, non-surgical way to smooth moderate to severe lines on the face. It creates a more relaxed, youthful appearance by inhibiting muscle movement. Treatments give you luxurious results without any down time. Botox treatments take a short time to administer and can give you a more youthful  and dramatic appearance in just a few days.

There are two categories of wrinkles:
[checklist icon=”fa-times-circle” iconcolor=”” circle=”” circlecolor=”#65c2f0″ size=”small” class=”” id=””][li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Dynamic wrinkles are wrinkles you get when you move your face. These are known as wrinkles in motion, they only show up when you make facial expressions.[/li_item]
[li_item icon=”fa-times-circle-o”]Static wrinkles, on the other hand, are wrinkles you have when your face is at rest. These are lines etched in your skin whether or not you make facial expressions.[/li_item][/checklist]
Botox works by blocking a muscle from moving, so Botox reduces the wrinkles that form on your face when your face actually moves. If Botox freezes the muscles around a static wrinkle, it wouldn’t make that much of a difference in the appearance of that wrinkle since the wrinkle would still be there with or without any muscle contraction. However, with long-term use, Botox can help prevent shallow static wrinkles from growing deeper.

Dr. Kopelson and  Dr.Feldman are Board Certified Beverly Hills dermatologists who have been administering Botox since 1991. The muscular and neurologic anatomy of the face is complicated and varies subtly from person to person. When choosing the Beverly Hills best dermatologist to administer Botox, make sure you choose a physician that has substantial experience in this field. Dr. Kopelson and Dr. Feldman have performed thousands of Botox treatments, therefore, as a patient you can feel secure in their care.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us by visiting our website at www.kopelsonclinic.com.