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Cosmetic Procedures Preferred by Olympians

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Olympic athletes are not just concerned about their physical fitness but their appearance as well especially in public or on the camera. Cosmetic tattooing or permanent make-up is really getting popular among Olympians especially with high-profile athletes because they tend

Inexpensive Alternatives to Cosmetic Surgery

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Here’s an article that discusses four alternatives for cosmetic surgery for anyone on a shoestring budget. The first item is the Facelift Bungee that comes with two combs and a connecting cord which costs only $24.99. Braid your hairs and

Video: A Moisturizer That Fights Acne and Aging?

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Here’s a short video on how to moisturize your acne-prone skin. Contrary to how it may appear, oily skin isn’t always well hydrated. But the catch is that when you strip off all your skin’s oils, your skin tends to

Video: California Getting Tough on Illegal Medical Spas

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Governor Jerry Brown passed a law in July that dramatically upped the fines for unlawful medical spas in the state which perform medical treatments outside the legally mandated framework. This video outlines the new law and how it will positively

Great Products for the Greater Good

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Here are a couple of wonderful products that are not only high quality but also help make the world a better place. The first is a great new organic olive oil soap made by Nudo. You probably already know that

Why You Should Only Select a Board-Certified Cosmetic Doc

By Posted in Anti-Aging

This video gives a good explanation of why it is important to choose a doctor who is board-certified whenever you are considering a cosmetic procedure of any kind. This includes not only major operations, like facelifts but also such minor

Using Beauty Products After a Cosmetic Procedure

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Here’s a great video to watch if you are considering undergoing a cosmetic procedure or if you already have a procedure scheduled. You need to give your skin time to heal after any procedure, and this video explains how to

Getting Clear, Smooth Skin

By Posted in Anti-Aging

There are a number of great new ways to deal with the scars from acne breakouts and get clear skin, and this article discusses a number of them, from Fraxel Repair via the CO2 laser to TCA peels and even

Resveratrol Prolongs Bee Lifespan – Through Calorie Restriction

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Interestingly, a new study shows that resveratrol seems to extend the lifespan of bees up to 38%. But while this might appear encouraging news, don’t run out to buy resveratrol supplements just yet, as the study also indicated that the

Taking It Safe With Vitamin D

By Posted in Anti-Aging

According to dermatologist Christopher Burnett, M.D. of the Henry Ford Health System, the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 recommendations for the safe levels of Vitamin D intake were actually intended to be on the conservative side. While the risks for excessive

Plastic Surgery Patients May Be Required to Undergo Psych Screening

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Given the growing concern that some patients grow “addicted” to plastic surgery, British scientists are studying whether it would be helpful to require surgery patients to undergo psychiatric screenings prior to going under the knife. Thorough physical health screenings are

A Great Purification Treatment

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Perhaps the best purification treatment of all is one that is all around us: oxygen. Now, more and more spas are offering oxygen treatment as a part of their spa facial regimens. Some spas now even have entire rooms dedicated