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Patients Raving About Their Care And New Patient Discount Offer

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty, Cosmetic Dermatology, Medical Dermatology, Patient reviews, Skin Care

The Kopelson Clinic is a comprehensive Beverly Hills cosmetic laser center providing full service, state-of-the-art skin regeneration in a medical setting. Offering a myriad of advanced dermatological treatments and procedures, Dr. Kopelson and his staff provide personalized clinical suggestions to

Are Lip Enhancements For You?

By Posted in Anti-Aging

Are your lips developing fine lines, loss of definition, volume and shape?  You can renew the youthfulness and vitality of your lips with cosmetic lip enhancements.  How do you know which lip enhancement is the best for you?  Injectable fillers

How To Treat Deep Wrinkles On Your Neck

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty, Cosmetic Dermatology, Skin Care

We all worry about the wrinkles on our faces, however what about your neck?  Deep neck lines tend to show at the same time you notice wrinkles on your face.  Often our neck is covered by hair and clothing which

Patient Raves About Finding A Treatment For A Skin Rash

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Cosmetic Dermatology, Skin Care

Excessive facial redness most often affecting the nose, forehead and cheeks can be an embarrassing condition. Flushing may come and go for no evident reason. Sometimes excessive facial redness may be present at all times. Although it is known that

When Is It The Right Time To Start Botox?

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Beauty

Today there are a number of cosmetic treatments on the market that help us look younger and healthier. It’s everywhere we look, on television, in magazines and on the internet. Botox is the most common and has been around for

Can Acne Impact a Person’s Self – Esteem?

By Posted in Skin Care

A lot of people, particularly adolescents, whether male or female, are faced with the problem of acne. While acne may be perceived as a condition teenagers mostly suffer from, adults can suffer from it, too. Moreover, it is undeniable that

How Do You Treat Sun Damaged Skin?

By Posted in Anti-Aging, Skin Care

Most of the time, people take their skin for granted and do all sorts of things that can actually be classified as abuse to it. Unknowingly, people cause damage to their skin by engaging in activities like sunbathing or exposing

You Can’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover…

By Posted in Peter Kopelson's Blog

Patients frequently arrive for a consultation with a bag filled to the brim with elegantly packaged department store or facialist office products. They spend thousands of dollars on their “skin” when all they are buying is packaging. A luxuriously opaque

Patient Raves About Her Results With Laser Hair Removal

By Posted in Beauty, Skin Care

As a patient, you are considering making an important investment into your appearance. It is crucial that you are aware that not all lasers are the same and some treatment programs are more extensive than others. Also, some skin types

Why Dermatologists Use Photo Facial Rejuvenation Therapy?

By Posted in Cosmetic Dermatology, Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. However, despite its prominence, not too many people really know how to take care of their skin. The perception that most people have, especially men, is having to exert too

Who Do You Want To Fix Your Face?

By Posted in Peter Kopelson's Blog

Whether I am out to dinner, at a social engagement, or at a pool party, I find myself studying people’s faces  determining what, if anything, they have had done, or what I could do to make them look better.  All

Fight Gravity With Cosmetic Dermatology

By Posted in Cosmetic Dermatology

As we age, the word “Gravity” seems to be the topic of conversation more often than not. We can’t stop the clock, even though we wish we could. Muscles start to sag, faces have fine lines, wrinkles and spots are